0 2025-01-05
4.读书也像开矿一样“沙里淘金”。 --赵树理
5.贪者因书而富,富者因书而贵。 --王安石
10.and book, forever will not sigh with regret.
11.no infinite trust in the power of books, is my educational faith.
12.good books are never tired of being read a hundred times; familiar reading makes one understand the meaning.
13.the book is our era's life.
14.a bird must flap its wings before flying high; a person must read books before advancing.
15.the book is a great legacy left by humanity to itself.
16.reading for wisdom, like exercise for the body.
17.reading should be done gradually and systematically; one book well mastered, then another, do not rush or mix them up, though many may be useless together.--胡居仁[明]
18.books are friends, though they lack passion but are very loyal.--雨果
19.an ideal book is a key to wisdom.--列夫·托尔斯泰
20.thousands of volumes studied, writing as if inspired.
21.my whole life's pleasure except---is reading.I cannot live without reading each day.
22.reading should avoid death-reading and digging into holes blindly.
23.reading also digs gold from sand like mining gold from sand.--赵树理
24.unread books stop thought processes.
25.do not read during three o'clock and five o'clock; achievement only fears ten cold winters after exposure once more than ten times cold winter days following exposure once more than ten times cold winter days following exposure once more than ten times cold winter days following exposure once more than ten times cold winter days following exposure once more than ten times cold winter days following exposure once more than twenty years later after this time next year since I first started learning at school when I was 6 years old since I first started learning at school when I was 6 years old since I first started learning at school when I was 6 years old since I first started learning at school when