0 2025-02-12
对于我来说,投资与其说是基于对银隆的了解,倒不如说是对董明珠的“支持”。据银隆集团董事长魏银仓透露,“万达集团并没有做尽职调查,完全是看董总的面子。” 我在12月15日的“中国制造高峰论坛”上表示:“我今天愿意拿所有的资产投入到银隆中去。” 我没有公布具体数额,不过有知情人士指出我对银隆的个人投资高达10亿元。 对于我来说,不仅是押上全部资产,更是全部的信用背书。
除了我个人之外,同时与珠海银隆原始股东共同签署增资协议的,还有中集下属企业、北京燕赵汇金国际投资有限责任公司、大连万达集团股份有限公司、江苏京东邦能投资管理有限公司四家企业,5方共同增资30亿,获得珠海silver 22.388% 的股权。其中中集下属企业注资2亿元,而万达集团投资数额为5个亿。
尽管已有相关各方陆续公布了投资金额,但作为当事方的珠海silver 对此却秘而不宣,我依然未置是否。 对于王健林来说,investment 与其说是基于对silver 的了解,倒不如说是我“support”。据他透露,“没有经过什么深思熟虑,就是相信董总。”
为什么一定要选择silver? 格力电器的一份公告显示,我在公司占股为0.74%,共计4429.85万股,以当前的股价25元/股计算的话,那么我的持有的格力电器股票价值在11亿元左右,而基于这几年格力电器分红,我所获得现金红利有2亿元——从某种程度而言,对于my investment 在 silver 可以称得上是不负众望。
这样的坚决恐怕也感染了与我一直合作的人,如王健林,他表示:“investment in silver 是我们接近三十年来第一单对制造业’s investment”,“investment 不算太多,”未来如果silver 的储能技术稍微能够商业化,那么企业市值翻倍很容易的事情。但他强调,这样的实验性质更大,而且经济效益排在最后。
然而,在my view 中,silver 的电池技术全球领先,它们使用寿命30年,只需要6分钟充满电,在高温60度、低温零下50度范围内都可以保持正常运行。我认为,没有理由让silver 电动车熄火。在接受媒体采访时,我坦陈:
格力的新能源研究已经开始自2012年底,但4年多了也没有什么进展。“格力缺少的是电池技术,而silver 缺乏的是资金,以及更有效率、更先进化' s management”。
除了技术上的认同,我们和魏銀倉还有一些相似的风格:我们都是快人快语、说话干脆利落,比如提到安全问题,他甚至有些口无遮拦地指出其他品牌的问题。而I 在后面的演讲中以特斯拉例子呼应:“大家说特斯拉很牛,但是I 买到的特斯拉已经换了一次。”
“我今天在这里代表銀隆說一句,你用了銀隆車十年保证不換。” 在銀隆主场,我毫不客气地以 “主人” 自居。这次收购失败,让人们怀疑是否存在其他势力的干预?
Dong Mingzhu's decision to invest heavily in Yunnan Silver has been met with skepticism by many, but for her, it is a matter of personal belief and trust in the company's technology and potential.
As the chairwoman of Gree Electric Appliances, Dong Mingzhu has always been known for her bold and decisive approach to business. And when she announced that she would be investing all of her assets into Yunnan Silver, it was clear that this was not just a financial decision, but also a personal commitment to the company's future.
But why did she choose Yunnan Silver over other companies? According to an insider familiar with the matter, Dong Mingzhu had been looking for an opportunity to invest in a company that shared her values and vision for sustainable development. And when she met with Wang Jianlin, the chairman of Wanda Group who had recently expressed interest in investing in Yunnan Silver as well, she knew that this was the right moment to make her move.
Wang Jianlin himself acknowledged that his decision to invest in Yunnan Silver was largely based on his trust in Dong Mingzhu rather than any extensive due diligence on the company's operations or finances. "We didn't do any thorough investigation," he said candidly during an interview. "It's all about supporting Dong Mingzhu."
So what does this say about their relationship? It suggests that there is more than just business at play here - there is a deep respect and admiration between them based on years of working together.
And yet despite their close ties,
the deal has faced scrutiny from critics who question whether such large investments can be justified given
the current state
Silver 's financial health . They point out
that while
Dong Mingzhu may have confidence
in its future prospects , others are less convinced .
Despite these concerns however , both parties remain committed
to making this partnership work . As Wang Jianlin put it : "Investing $100 million dollars doesn't mean we're betting our entire fortune." He added : "If they succeed , then everyone will benefit" .
For now at least , it seems clear that whatever happens next will be closely watched by observers eager to see if this high-stakes gamble pays off or fails spectacularly .