
本站原创 0 2025-03-16





幸运的是,she没事,只是不太跟me讲话了,但me也只是稍微难过了一下,并未多想,因为me认为shestay好就不会对mecoat直。可是,如果那个时候merealized I was hurting her, maybe I would have understood that my actions were wrong and apologized. But I didn't understand then, and so the opportunity passed.

直到学期结束的时候,she告诉me she要回老家去了,I才突然觉得心里猛地一下,有点泪水也涟涟,但还是什么都没说。我只是去小店买了一块钱的手链,然后送给了her。她又问:“我们不是朋友吗?”由于哽咽,“yes”听起来那么虚伪-me wanted to say it again but couldn't-I don't know what she thought in that moment-is she thinking that me just wanted her to remember me or is she thinking that me was being fake for no reason? Maybe it's a little of both.

其实we had many beautiful memories together-like when me brought her to where i always go to catch tadpoles, when we played with other classmates, when i taught her how to fold stars and read English. I don't know what memories of us are like in her mind; they probably seem good because we added too many beautiful scenes; or they might seem bad because the hurt is deep. Me doesn't want it to be the latter.

一直以来-me used my age as an excuse-but now-that person who once got hurt by me-what if they could hear this? “对不起,我真的是想要成为你的朋友。”

Me doesn't know where my friend from back then is now but everyone should cherish their friends around them-don’t let mistakes pile up like mine did-this summer really was hot-and now-my face is sweating profusely.
