0 2025-02-05
对不起,我没有房子,不过……你可以砍下我的所有的枝条来建一所房子。”于是他砍倒了一切,并高兴地离开了。看到他开心,.apple tree 也感到欣慰。但是自那之后很多年过去,也没见过他的身影。apple tree 因为孤单感到难过。
一个炎热夏日,male child 再次出现,在 apple tree 的眼中,是个老朋友。“Come and play with me.”
“I don't feel like it, I'm getting old. I want to go sailing for a while. Can you help me?”
对不起,我没有船,不过……you can use my trunk to build one. Then you can go sailing, become happy again.” so he cut down the trunk and built a ship. He set sail far away, never coming back.
After many years of absence, male child finally returned. Apple Tree said: “Sorry, I have nothing left to give you anymore... No more apples for you to eat.”
“I also don't have teeth anymore... I can't bite into anything.”
“You've got no branches left for me to climb on.”
“I'm too old now... I can't climb anymore.”
"I really wish i could give you something but all that's left is this almost dead stump."
Apple Tree was crying as it spoke.
"You're tired? You just rest here against me." The man sat down and the apple tree smiled tearfully in happiness.
This is the story that happens to each of us... This apple tree represents our parents when we were young - they cared for us, played with us until we grew up and moved away only returning when we needed their help again despite them not expecting anything in return from us.
Perhaps one might think the boy was cruel to the apple tree but this is how we treat our parents.
The story continues as follows: