0 2025-02-02
1.高级短语 短语替换单词 various=a variety of many=a host of Improve/enhance working efficiency/learning efficiency提升工作效率/学习效率 Future career未来职业 offer sb a precious opportunity to sth提供给某人一个宝贵机会 sense of achievement/fulfillment成就感 sense of honor荣誉感 the core of the problem问题核心 negative emotions 消极情绪 setbacks and frustration挫折和失落 take a positive attitude towards对 采取积极的态度 Cultural heritage文化传承 Highly developed 高度发展 Parents’s deeds父母的行为 the spirit of competition:拼搏精神 adversity and hardship:逆境和苦难 Grow together共同成长 Encouraged to participate in discussions鼓励参加讨论 Offer Substantial benefits to sb使某人受益匪浅 psychological health心理健康 social harmony社会和谐 替换grave severe fatal fearful 替换essential crucial critical indispensible vital significant by no means决不 true to one’s word信守承诺 例.she is a reliable person because she is always true to her word她是一个可靠的人,因为总是信守承诺 True to her word,the teacher praised the honest student她信守承诺 raise questions提出问题 argue against others和别人争论 Remember our innitial thought不忘初心 hold on to sth坚持 抓紧 不放开 reap without sowing不劳而获 striving for the best/striving for excellence:精益求精 food safety:食品安全 misdeed/misconduct:不良行为 be bound to一定要做某事(有义务) do sth as a daily routine每天做 do sth as a routine经常做 discipling yourself to do sth as a daily routine 严格要求自己每天做某事 on a daily basis每天 a host of很多 In the contemporary world当今世界 gain great popularity非常受欢迎 on a regular basis经常 in an attempt to do sth尝试做某事 例.Jim sleeps early in an attempt to get up early next day Have no clue毫无头绪,不知道,一无所知,不知怎么做 例.The man has no clue(+从句)how to deal wth these problems We have taken all factors into consideration,but we still have no clue who attacked us. 我们已经考虑了所有因素,但我们不知道是谁袭击了我们 By dying to do sth渴望做,非常想要做 Technological advances科技进步 Pretty essential非常有必要 Stepping stone垫脚石 Without doubt毫无疑问 Multiple skills 多种技能 A large proporation of大部分 Oral English英语口语 Serve as用作,充当 Promote the quality of higher education提升高等教育的质量 is conductive to doing sth有助于做某事 例.It is not conductive to the kids’ development and growth Many are concerned that许多人担心 have a far-reaching impact on the whole society对整个社会有着深远影响 Set a good example树立好榜样 Sustainable development可持续发展 Construct a harmonious society建设和谐社会 Professional abilities专业能力 Fierce competition激烈的竞争 Act courageously to face a challenge the spirit of competition:拼搏精神 adversity and hardship:逆境和苦难 Reduce the risk of 降低风险 Fail to keep pace with the new trend未能跟上新趋势 The updated technologies先进科技 Before stepping into society在进入社会之前 Meet up with the demand from society达到社会要求 From where I stand 开头 first and foremost first of all Grow into a responsible person成长为一个负责任的人 Make tremendous achievements Thriving and prosperous繁荣昌盛 The depth and breadth of thinking思维的深度和广度 Narrow the gap between……and……缩小 和 差距 Remarkable achievements非凡的成就 Produce bad social effects产生不利的社会影响 Make their best endeavours付出最大的努力 Relevant departments相关部门 fail to recognize false online information不能识别网络信息 comment on sth对某事做出评论 Enrich people‘s life充实人的生活 As well as用法 例.This documentary appeals to adults as well as children Enable sb to do sth使某人能够做 替换can sth enable them to go further on the way 2.写作高级单词 Wellbeing健康,幸福 Strengthen eg.strengthen education加强教育 Vocational职业occupational Proficient熟练的,精通的 Courageous勇敢的 Standpoint立场,观点,立足点 Adversity逆境 Conquer克服 替换overcome Obstacle障碍 Confront面对 替换face Contend竞争,争夺,声称,断言,主张 Inferior差的,次的 Passive被动的,消极的,顺从的 Penalty n.惩罚,处罚 Permission permissible允许的,许可的 Disrupt扰乱,使混乱 Repressive残酷的,严苛的,压抑的,克制的 Underscore强调 Skills will be deployed利用,调度 Gracious有礼貌的,仁慈的,和蔼的,亲切的 Ethic伦理 be entitled to 有资格,有权 Forfeit失去,丧失 Withstand耐受,承受 Flaw缺点,瑕疵 Reproach批评,指责,反对 Fret烦恼,发愁 Preclude阻止,防止,排除,消除 Appreciate感激 Competent有竞争力的 Enable 替换can 例.sth enable them to go further on the way某事使他们能够在路上走得更远 3.句子(万能套句) 1.Efforts need to be made on all sides to prevent such incidents需要各方面的努力来防止此类事件的发生 2.I appreciate a response from you at your earliest convenience(句尾) 3.sth enable them to gofurther on the way某事使他们能够在路上走得更远 4.Such as lack of confidence,difficulties in getting along well with others and unwillingness to try new things ,which certainly will become obstacles to their success 5.They mayencounter more problemsin their future careers 他们在未来的职业生涯中可能会遇到更多的问题 6.Sth is inevitable in our lives在我们的生活中是不可避免的 7.What cannot be ignored is that most college students who are far away from their families need to face challenges alone and may easily get confused and frustrated 8.There are a growing number of college students committing suicide when confronted with 9.Sb is prone to confine himself to low efficiency ,poor abilities and narrow mindedness 10.Sth lays a solid foundation for students’academic success,as well as for them to be qualified competitors in the future 11.I deem that practice makes perfect 12.because this type of job would give me an opportunity to improve my ability. 13.倒装句Only practice can help me master knowledge and 14.强调句it is also through practice that I can speak and write fluently 15.How to get a good command of this language 16.English learning ,thus ,has gained great popularity(插入语的应用) 17.It turns thoughts into action想法转换为行动 近义Action enables us to transform our aspirations into reality 18.There are several factors that impact sth有几个因素影响某件事 19.For those who are concerned that their chidren might make mistakes,they should feel more relieved 20.应当被鼓励 should be encouraged to make decisions by themselves 21.There is a common phenomenon behind this在这背后有一个普遍的现象 22.The reasons accounting for this phenomenon can be listed as follows(表原因) 23.sth is definitely what he is most passionate about最热衷的 24.With the strong supportof our country 25.With the improvement of living standards as well as可以和and连用 26.When+doing sth句式 when dealing with problems 27.A lack of confidence pulls us down from the bottom and weighs us down from the top,crushing us between a flurry of can’ts,won’ts and impossibles. A lack of sth.pulls sb down from the bottom and weighs sb.down from the top 缺少 会从根本上摧毁一个人,让人一蹶不振 例.A lack of responsibility pulls people down from the bottom and weighs people down from the top. Both ambition and action are equally critical to the achievement of success Ambition serves to guide and motivate us in our daily lives 其他 for a little while有一段时间 Unanimous一致的 Feel obliged to buy买 Pressure可做动词 Remnant残余部分,剩余部分 Specific具体的 Capacity容积,容量 Quarrel with和 争吵 Appeal呼吁 Passionately热情地 Restrain抑制 Enormous=huge,vast,great巨大的 Derive from=源于,originate from=stem from Proceed继续下去 v. Content adj.满意的 vt.使满足 Potential adj.有可能的 n.可能性 The Continual decrease in this figure(图表类作文) Approximately 10% of rural population(图表类作文) 写作时间表达 她1948年12月12日出生于纽约 她出生于纽约12月12日1948年 地点 +小时间 +大时间 Attendance注意力attendance is a problem in today’s universities and colleges financial aid to the children in a remote area 想要would like to不用want to Volunteers are needed for the Internetional Conference to be held on this campus in early July We would be better off identifying people by the factors that constrain their lives ,like income rarher than by the lines surrounding them on a map 阅读必备单词 Avail v.利用,用处,n.无济于事 Allege声称,宣称 Emit排放 Explosive爆炸,爆发的,易爆的 Vacation假期 Refreshing耳目一新的,新颖的,新鲜的 Conspicuously显著地,明显地 Deficits缺陷 Broadly广泛的 collaborative共同 Wreck 失事,破坏,拆毁 Designated指定 Assign安排observe Gadget工具,装置 warrant保证 Concede承认,许可证 Spectacularly令人惊叹的 Impact影响作用n/v Simultaneously同时发生地、同步地、同时存在地 Spectators 观众 notably显著地,特别地 Indefinite 不确定的,不明确的,无限期的,模糊的 Instrumental起重要作用的 be instrumentalnin sth对某事起重要作用 Pump输送 inherently天性地,固有地 Dividend红利,股息 Discouraging设法劝阻,阻止 Plight困境 Entail需要 Astonishment惊讶 Envisage v.设想,想象 Feat壮举,伟绩,成就adj灵巧的,整洁的 Overhaul改造,彻底检查 Exceed超过 Excess过剩 Civic城镇的,城市的 Creep爬 Deposit存款,押金 Block阻碍,阻塞n.块,街区 Voluntary自愿的 Complete=intact可以做形容词 Catastrophic 灾难性的 cohesion凝聚力 Crumble破裂 Fabricate捏造,编造 Escalate恶化,升高,增加 Majestic雄伟的 精髓essence AD(后)BC(前)religion宗教 占有很重it occupies a large proportion It originated in the 1st century BC起源于公元前1世纪