
本站原创 0 2025-03-10



9.自信 suddenly emerges, even if there is no other apparent reason for her to feel this way, such as a raise or promotion at work.

10.she begins to pick on you and directly says "I hate it when..." etc.

11.she starts to show more interest in your appearance, clothes, and grooming.

12.she becomes overly protective of your relationship, almost possessive.

13.her behavior becomes increasingly erratic and unpredictable.

14.she seems distant and disconnected from the relationship.

15.she stops initiating conversations or shows less interest in talking about important issues related to the relationship.

16.her body language changes - she avoids eye contact or seems nervous around you.

17.the frequency of intimate moments decreases significantly without any explanation from her side.

18.she starts questioning your commitment level by constantly asking questions like "Do you really love me?" or "Are we meant to be together?"

19.the quality of communication deteriorates - she talks more than listens; defensive when questioned; dismissive of concerns raised by you

20.her emotional availability declines as she withdraws herself emotionally from the relationship while maintaining an outwardly loving facade
