0 2025-01-09
ENNIS总是在自己设定的正常与不正常边缘上行走。他绝对不会承认自己是个同性恋者。当他最后一次与JACK争执时,他咬牙切齿压低声音,却是在怒吼:“如果你做出这种事,我会杀了你!” JCK终于爆发了,他曾有过一些打算,一片小小农场就可以让他们生活在天堂里,没有14小时的驾车距离,没有阻碍。但他却等待了20年,最终还是未能实现。而ENNIS显然无法踏出那个步伐他的借口往往是照顾牲畜,大概那个离了他就不行的小农场主,要么就是闺女需要供养。
I think I will never forget JACK's words at that moment... This love, too deep, too heavy, impossible to bear in one's life.
JACK's departure was sealed with a simple letter. The fact that the sender had passed away was presented before people's eyes so starkly, 19-year-old love began, struggled for 20 years, and ultimately ended in death. He wanted to scatter his ashes on Broken Back Mountain where he dreamed of paradise.
"I know you're Jack's friend," he said. "You two have been fishing or hunting together for years." I'm not clear where Broken Back Mountain is but he said it was a place where robins sing and whiskey flows freely."
"Yes," replied the other man. "There was once an afternoon when we let out sheep on Broken Back Mountain - that was 63 years ago."
In an instant, twenty years had passed since then; this person had gone. But those images should be eternal.
As ENNIS entered JACK’s room, everything remained as it had been all those years ago - no change - the wooden horse still sat there lonely and untouched in its cowboy attire; the clock indicated eight forty-five AM - their most beautiful morning on Broken Back Mountain. Yet when a shirt stained with blood appeared from nowhere and suddenly filled his vision with its presence at that moment...it brought him profound shock.
If one cannot be physically connected to another person then let my shirt embrace your shirt as if I were embracing you. This hug lasted for twenty years without end.
And yet ENNIS knew nothing of this.
What must have been his emotions?
Perhaps they shared only suffocating hugs and kisses between them - suffocating love and being loved back by each other through all these long hard days of struggle until finally they could not take any more pain anymore.
A life lived under unbearable weight.
The film ends with ENNIS holding up two shirts,
"Jack...I swear."
But it is already too late now...
This story may seem like just another tale about two men who fell deeply in love but found themselves unable to overcome societal norms against same-sex relationships leading them down a path fraught with struggles till eventually they reached their tragic end but what makes this story unique is how deep-seated their feelings are despite knowing full well how futile their efforts would be.
It speaks volumes about human resilience & endurance against seemingly insurmountable odds.
So here lies our answer:
For every man within himself carries a piece of broken mountain called 'disillusionment'.
And for every woman her heart carries memories of 'Broken Back'.