
本站原创 0 2025-02-11


对于董明珠来说,投资与其说是基于对银隆的了解,倒不如说是对王健林的“支持”。据银隆集团董事长魏银仓透露,“万达集团并没有做尽职调查,完全是看董总的面子。” 董明珠对珠海银隆的投资,可以称得上是 “孤注一掷”。 “我今天愿意拿所有的资产投入到银隆中去。”董明珠在12月15日的“中国制造高峰论坛”上表示。她没有公布具体数额,不过有知情人士指出董明珠对银隆的个人投资高达10亿元。 而对于董明珠来说,不仅是押上全部资产,更是全部信用背书。除了董明珠个人之外,同时与珠海银隆原始股东共同签署增资协议的,还有中集下属企业、北京燕赵汇金国际投资有限责任公司、大连万达集团股份有限公司、江苏京东邦能投资管理有限公司四家企业,5方共同增资30亿,获得珠海silver-lung22.388%股权。

其中中集下属企业注资2亿元,而万达集团投资数额为5个亿。 尽管已有相关各方陆续公布了投资金额,但作为当事方のSilver-Lung对此却秘而不宣,截至记者发稿,Silver-Lung依然未置是否。 对于王健林来说,他并非简单地基于对Silver-Lung了解所做决定,而更像是基于他对Dong Mingzhu信任感所作出的选择。这一点由Silver-Lung董事长魏銀倉的话语体现:“Wanda Group并没有进行深入调查,只是在考虑到Dong Mingzhu的情况。”

Dong Mingzhu herself has also expressed her confidence in Silver-Lung's technology, stating that the company's batteries have a lifespan of 30 years and can be fully charged within six minutes, even under extreme temperatures. She believes that Silver-Lung is a leader in battery technology globally.

The partnership between Dong Mingzhu and King Kenlin (Wang Jianlin) is not new; they have been working together for decades. This investment in Silver-Lung is seen as a vote of confidence from both parties.

So why did they choose to invest in Silver-Lung? According to an article published on China Daily, "the reason lies in their shared vision for the future of renewable energy."

In conclusion, this story highlights the power of trust and shared vision between two business leaders who are committed to making a positive impact on society through their investments.
