0 2025-01-15
5.不过我觉得他,怎么说呢,挺能奉献的,就像蜡烛一样,牺牲自己,照亮维多利亚。这种自lessness 的精神值得我们每个人学习和效仿。
7., 我回去重读哲学去,不然达不到你的高度了!知识是通向智慧的大门,每一次阅读都是心灵的一次升华。
9.我们只不过是想要走自己的风格,而且I want to use my own style, let you recognize me, let people like you recognize me! 每个人都有独特的声音,只要我们勇于表达,它们就能激发出无限力量。
10.I very much agree with his views because I believe that everyone will make mistakes at some point in their lives and that it's how we learn from those mistakes and grow as individuals.
11.Every person is a book, I'd love to read what's inside!
12.The reason there are no lights on now is because I appreciate his confidence; even though China emphasizes moderation, such boldness is needed to break through the boundaries of mediocrity.
13.I am a person from an ordinary family, but I dare say this out loud! Though my background may be ordinary, I believe in the power of hard work and determination to achieve one's goals.
14.You've upgraded!
15.Everyone has a soft spot deep within them.
16.I don't enjoy dressing up too much when going out because there are more important things in life than appearances.
17.In that case, respecting friends when dressing up if you go out represents not just yourself but also your profession...
18.I'm not opposed to working together with you; however, your indecisive nature really bothers me!
19.Everyone defines material wealth differently - if you think cars like BMWs or Benzes represent material possessions then so do food clothing shelter for each person strives for these basic needs without exception
20.Your comment has left me questioning life itself!
21.Rarely does someone have such shallow yet profound thoughts as yours.
22.Life is short after all; everything can be found through trying new things.
23.I dislike someone who gives up halfway through something they started.
24.Admittingly, I am a contradictory person myself.