0 2025-01-07
从前,有两个饥饿的人得到了一位长者的恩赐:一根鱼竿和一篓鲜活硕大的鱼。其中,一个人要了一篓鱼,另一个人要了一根鱼竿,于是他们分道扬镳了。得到鱼的人原地就用干柴搭起篝火煮起了鱼,他狼吞虎咽,还没有品出鲜鱼的肉香,转瞬间,连鱼带汤就被他吃了个精光,不久,他便饿死在空空的鱼篓旁。另一个人则提着鱼竿继续忍饥挨饿,一步步艰难地向海边走去,可当他已经看到不远处那片蔚蓝色的海洋时,他浑身的最后一点力气也使完了,他也只能眼巴巴地带着无尽的遗憾撒手人间。又有两个饥饿的人,他们同样得到了长者恩赐的一根fisher and a basket of fish. They didn't separate, but instead decided to go together to find the sea. Every time, they only cooked one fish. After many hardships, they reached the sea and started their life as fishermen. Years later, they built houses, had families and children, and lived a happy life.
A person who only cares about immediate benefits will eventually be left with nothing but brief joy; another person who sets his sights high may face harsh realities. It is only when we combine our ideals with reality that we can become successful individuals. Sometimes, a simple truth can provide profound insights into human life.
A scholar once took the civil service examination in Beijing three times but failed each time until he met an old man who told him that he would fail again because his mind was not focused on studying for the exam but rather on getting rich quickly by finding treasures in ancient ruins or becoming famous by inventing something new.
The old man's words made sense to him so he decided to focus on preparing for the exam instead of looking for shortcuts or trying to make quick money or fame through other means which led him finally passed it with top honors.
Confidence: 95%
These stories illustrate various aspects of human nature such as greediness vs contentment (story 1), perseverance vs giving up (story 2), hard work vs laziness (story 3), self-reliance vs asking for help (story 4), courage vs fear (story 5) and teamwork vs individualism (story 6).