
本站原创 0 2024-12-11





我的第一份工作是在福特汽车当会计,工作起来驾轻就熟,可是我做得并不快乐。我宁可多绕点远路,也不要在一个我不喜欢的地方工作一辈子。亲友听说我离职了,都觉得很不可思议,但我认为如果不能找到适才适性的工作,这辈子绝对不会快乐。科学家会发明东西,艺人会表演唱歌,那是他们的专长,那我的专长是什么?I left.

当我面试新工作时,我告诉每个老板I like to talk, and they all laughed. Then I said I don't like complex administrative work, so I hope there's less of that, and I can talk from morning till night, with good pay. Every boss laughed at this too. But one boss was so impressed that he asked me to repeat it in his office, and offered me the job on the spot.

Although many people thought my requirements were ridiculous, one CEO took me seriously and hired me for a demanding job - making 500 phone calls a day. The other side of the phone might be asleep or not answer at all but still have to listen to my talking until dawn.

My family wanted me to stop being strange but I didn't listen. When you want to outshine others, sometimes you must go against what everyone else says. My experience taught me that if you're unsure about something important in life just ask your friends who will tell you opposite advice then do the opposite because most people are ordinary but following their advice will only make you ordinary too.

In short becoming extraordinary is not difficult as long as you follow your own path even if no one supports you except yourself alone

上一篇:时光静好才华横溢Xu Zhimo 的艺术品味探究