
本站原创 0 2025-02-15








当我面试新工作时,我告诉每个老板我喜欢讲话,他们一听都笑了。再问我除了讲話还有没有其他要求?I say I don't like complex administrative work, so I hope there's less of it, let me talk from morning till night, and the benefits are the best. Every boss heard and laughed.

Although I always couldn't find a job that suits me, but I never compromise until my pocket only had $27 left.

My friends saw me in such a state, jokingly said to me: "You don't have to eat McDonald's anymore, eating like this will quickly spend all your money. I suggest you cook a big pot of green bean soup every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner."

I really bought a big bag of green beans and cooked one huge pot of soup for three or four days.

Lecturing until my mouth bleeds

I applied to 300 companies; each boss thought I was just joking. Only one CEO of a securities company took me seriously: "Leon do you really mean that? You want to find a job where you can talk all day long? A job with almost no administrative tasks? A high salary?"

He hugged me tightly excitedly saying "That's exactly what I'm looking for! How did someone like you appear now? All applicants here claim they work hard or excel academically but none get to the point." He gave me an assignment - every day make 500 calls. Starting at 6:30 PM and finishing at around 2 AM the next morning he knew how many calls i made because he recorded them on his phone recorder rule is if i didn’t make 500 calls by midnight i couldn’t go home after making the last call heart pounding fast hoping the person would be an insomniac who would answer my call once upon time when making final call recipient spoke unclearly telling him about myself (www.lz13.cn) later found out he came seeking revenge because sleeplessness ate two times before finally falling asleep which woke up again due to my talking loudly breaking glasses everywhere then shouting loudly when discovered in office causing panic among employees.

Every day without stopping talking often accidentally biting tongue bleeding while talking till mouth bleeds Many businesspeople think they're very hardworking asking for raises while lecturing others on their speaking skills saying “Are you working hard enough not lecturing till mouth bleeds?”
