俞敏洪经典语录 - 追梦者俞敏洪从一名普通学生到教育巨人的励志之旅
0 2025-01-23
当我面试新工作时,我告诉每个老板我喜欢讲话,他们一听都笑了。再问我除了讲话还有没有其他要求?I say I don't like complex administrative work, so I hope there's less of that and more time for me to talk from morning till night, with the best compensation possible. Every boss laughed at this, but one took it seriously and asked me to repeat it in his office.
虽然I never found a job that fit my criteria, I refused to compromise until my pockets were almost empty. My friends joked that I should stop eating McDonald's because money would run out fast. So I bought a big bag of green beans and boiled them all day for three or four weeks.
Lecturing until my mouth bled
I applied to 300 companies, each boss thought I was joking. But only one serious CEO from a securities company took me seriously: "Leon, you really mean what you say? You want a job where you can talk from dawn till dusk? A job with hardly any administrative tasks? And high pay?" He hugged me tightly: "That's exactly what we need! People who come in here saying they work hard and do well on their assignments but can't get straight to the point."
The next day he offered me the job on the spot: call 500 clients every day. Each call takes about 3 minutes; by the end of the 500th call (usually around 2-3 am), my heart beats wildly hoping they're night owls who'll answer my calls. Once during this process, after calling someone into oblivion late at night only to wake them up again early in the morning causing chaos - glass shattered everywhere - when they finally came looking for me...