0 2025-01-15
21条人生启迪名言警句,共享励志智慧。 一、千锤炼钢铁,一日过长江;微小力量能触及巨大目标。 二、宁愿成为引领者,而非被动追随者;一颗星火能够点燃浩大的火焰。 三、竹子之所以珍贵,是因为它的节理;人的价值在于其坚定的意志和不懈的努力。 四、经过无数次的打磨,才能成就一把利剑;不断地锻炼,但要有耐心等待成果。 五、坐着说话不如站起来行动;只有持续前行,方能达到目的。 六、一旦放弃自主性,便失去了自由生活的机会了。 七、雨水不会连续下一年,同样一个人也不会永远贫穷下去。 八、高山自有登山客路程,不深水中亦有渡船人相助。 九,即便没有锋利刃,也可以削尖刀刃;没有坚定决心的人,也难以实现自己的抱负。一十至二十四条略去。
Twenty-five. 天赐伟人,地养俊草。
Twenty-six. 当天下大雨时,要注意地面滑溜。
Twenty-seven. 伸手之前要确保对方是无辜之人,只开口骂别人才会低头道歉。
Twenty-eight. 在适当的时候放手,比起宽恕他人更为重要。
twenty-nine. 人不可貌相,用量海不能胜算。
Thirty. 只有三次接近鸟儿,它们才飞得高远;人类在思考三遍后才采取行动。
Thirty-one, only those who have experienced hardships can be considered truly accomplished.
Thirty-two, no matter how hard the road ahead may seem, it is always possible to find a way forward.
Thirty-three, every small step counts towards reaching one's goals.
Thirty-four, never underestimate the power of perseverance and determination.
Thirty-five, success comes to those who are willing to take risks and face challenges head-on.
Thirty-six , wisdom lies in knowing when to hold on and when to let go.
Thirty-seven , there is no substitute for experience in gaining true understanding and insight.
Thirty-eight , even the smallest spark can ignite a great fire if given the chance.
Thirty-nine , time waits for no man; seize each moment with purposeful action.
Forty , do not be afraid of failure - it is often the stepping stone towards success.
Forty-one , courage is not about being fearless but about facing fears head-on with confidence and determination.
Forty-two , patience is key in achieving greatness; do not rush through life without taking time to reflect on your journey thus far.
Forty-three, humility goes hand-in-hand with strength; acknowledge your limitations while striving for excellence.
Forty-four, every challenge offers an opportunity for growth - embrace them wholeheartedly
Forty-five, learn from others but stay true to yourself - authenticity matters most in this world
Forty-six: The greatest rewards come from overcoming obstacles that seemed insurmountable at first glance
47: Never give up hope or lose faith in yourself or others - together you can achieve anything
48: Every great accomplishment begins as an idea within our minds
49: One must believe in oneself before anyone else will
50: Success requires both skillfulness & persistence